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Ekustik Puzzle Tower Black, Modular Absorber on Wheels, Consisting of 3 segments with plug-in system, For variable acoustic optimisation in recording rooms and sound studios, High efficiency: approx. 50% absorption at 100 Hz, Full absorption above 200 Hz, Filling material: recycled acoustic fabric Envizol TB OH50, Frame: Wooden frame in a natural look, Dimensions (H x W x D): 1900 x 600 x 150 mm, Colour: Black, Incl. hanging system for placement in room corners, Handmade in Czech Republic
Visita il negozioEkustik Puzzle Tower Bordeaux, Modular Absorber Wall on Castors, Consists of 3 segments with plug-in system, For adjustable acoustic optimisation in recording rooms at recording studios, in rehearsal rooms and for home recording applications, Material: Sorberpoly 3D in wooden frame with fabric covering, Dimensions: 1900 x 600 x 150 mm, Colour: Bordeaux
Visita il negozioBaff Pizza Beats Rhythm Game, Rhythm Game, Suitable for families, children, teenagers, adults as well as for kindergartens, schools and as a party game, Simple rules and no previous musical knowledge necessary, Promotes a sense of rhythm, responsiveness, awareness and hand-eye coordination, Can be played as a competitive or cooperative game, Different game options for all ages, Interactive game with different levels using the free app for Android and IOS devices
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